Opleidingen met een bijzondere structuur en gereglementeerde opleidingen

Mbo-opleidingen op kwalificatieniveau 3 en 4

Lijst per 1-8-2023

Aan deze lijst kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Deze lijst is niet compleet omdat oudere opleidingen op niveau 3 en 4 ontbreken. Als niet duidelijk is of uw opleiding wel of niet gereglementeerd is, kunt u een aanvraag voor een AC-verklaring indienen bij SBB via de volgende link: https://www.s-bb.nl/intermediairs/diplomawaardering/ 

Deze lijst zal eens per jaar worden herzien (peildatum 1 augustus).

Education and training with a special structure, and regulated education and training

Senior secondary vocational education and training, qualification level 3 and 4

List as of 1-8-2023

No rights can be derived from this list. This list is not complete due to missing older qualifications at level 3 and 4. If it is not clear whether or not the education and training you followed is regulated, please contact SBB for an AC-statement on this via the following link: https://www.s-bb.nl/intermediairs/diplomawaardering/ 

Once a year this list will be revised (reference date 1 August).

Opleidingen met een bijzondere structuur / education and training with a special structure

Mbo-kwalificatieniveau 3 en 4 / senior secondary vocational education and training, qualification level 3 and 4


Nederlandse kwalificatie

Engelse vertaling


Pharmaceutical technical assistant

Bedrijfsleider dierverzorging

Manager animal care

Beveiliger 3

Security officer 3





Dierenartsassistent paraveterinair

Veterinary nurse

Gespecialiseerd pedagogisch medewerker

Specialized pedagogical carer

Kapitein binnenvaart

Captain inland

Maritiem officier alle schepen

Maritime officer all ships

Maritiem officier alle schepen nautisch, koopvaardij

Maritime officer all ships nautical, merchant shipping

Maritiem officier alle schepen nautisch, visserij

Maritime officer all ships nautical, fishery

Maritiem officier alle schepen nautisch, waterbouw

Maritime officer all ships nautical, water engineering

Maritiem officier alle schepen technisch

Maritime officer all ships technical

Maritiem officier kleine schepen nautisch, koopvaardij

Maritime officer small ships nautical, merchant shipping

Maritiem officier kleine schepen nautisch, visserij

Maritime officer small ships nautical, fishery

Maritiem officier kleine schepen technisch

Maritime officer small ships technical


Nurse (general care)

Pedagogisch medewerker kinderopvang

Pedagogical child carer


Animal experimentation technician

Schipper binnenvaart

Skipper inland

Specialist proefdierverzorging

Specialist animal experimentation technology

Stuurman alle schepen

Deck officer all ships

Stuurman alle vissersschepen S4

Deck officer al fishing vessels restricted operation area

Stuurman kleine schepen

Deck officer small ships

Stuurman waterbouw

Deck officer water engineering

Stuurman-scheepswerktuigkundige vissersschepen SW5

Maritime officer class V fishing vessels

Stuurman-werktuigkundige kleine schepen

Maritime officer small ships

Verzorgende Individuele Gezondheidszorg (VIG)

Personal health care provider

Gereglementeerde opleidingen / regulated education and training

Mbo-kwalificatieniveau 3 en 4 / senior secondary vocational education and training, qualification level 3 and 4


Nederlandse kwalificatie

Engelse vertaling

(Ambulant) objectleider

(Ambulatory) project manager

(Junior) accountmanager

(Junior) account manager

1e Medewerker fastservice

Skilled fast food service worker

Aankomend onderofficier grondoptreden

Junior military officer

Aankomend onderofficier maritiem

Junior navy officer



Adviseur bancaire diensten

Advisor banking services

Adviseur duurzame leefomgeving

Sustainable environment advisor

Adviseur inkomensverzekeringen

Income protection insurances advisor

Adviseur leefomgeving

Environment advisor

Adviseur mobiliteitsbranche

Advisor mobility sector

Adviseur schadeverzekeringen

Indemnity insurances advisor

Adviseur vermogen

Capital advisor

Aftersalesmanager mobiliteitsbranche

Aftersales manager mobility sector

Agogisch medewerker GGZ

Agogic worker mental health care

Air cargo specialist

Air cargo specialist

Allround assistant business services

All-round assistant business services

Allround betonreparateur

All-round concrete repairman

Allround betonstaalverwerker bouwplaats

All-round concrete reinforcing steel processor - building site

Allround betonstaalverwerker prefabricage

All-round concrete reinforcing steel processor - prefabrication

Allround betontimmerman

All-round concrete carpenter

Allround constructiewerker

All-round construction worker

Allround coördinator instructeur buitensport

All-round coordinator instructor outdoor sports

Allround dakdekker bitumen en kunststof

All-round bitumen and synthetics roofer

Allround dakdekker metaal

All-round metal roofer

Allround dakdekker pannen/leien

All-round roof tiler/slater

Allround DTP-er

All-round desktop publisher

Allround grimeur

All-round make-up artist

Allround hospitality medewerker

All-round hospitality worker

Allround instructeur buitensport

All-round instructor outdoor sports

Allround interieurvakman parketvloeren

All-round interior craftsman parquet flooring

Allround interieurvakman woningstofferen

All-round interior craftsman furnishings upholstery

Allround kapper

All-round hairdresser

Allround keukenmonteur

All-round kitchen mechanic

Allround laborant

All-round laboratory technician

Allround lasser

All-round welder

Allround machinaal houtbewerker

All-round machine operator wood processing

Allround machineoperator houttechniek

All-round machine operator wood technology

Allround make-up and hair artist

All-round make-up and hair artist

Allround medewerker AV-productie

All-round assistant audiovisual production

Allround medewerker facilitaire dienstverlening

All-round facility services worker

Allround medewerker facilitaire dienstverlening

All-round facility services worker

Allround medewerker IT systems and devices

All-round IT systems and devices worker

Allround medewerker maritieme techniek

All-round maritime technology worker

Allround medewerker mode/maatkleding

All-round fashion/custom-made clothes worker

Allround medewerker optiek

All-round optics worker

Allround medewerker productietechniek

All-round production technology worker

Allround medewerker versindustrie

All-round worker fresh produce industry

Allround medewerker watersportindustrie

All-round water sports industry worker

Allround mediamaker

All-round media creator

Allround metselaar

All-round bricklayer

Allround meubelmaker/(scheeps)interieurbouwer

All-round furniture maker/(ships') interior builder

Allround meubelstoffeerder

All-round upholsterer

Allround montagemedewerker houttechniek

All-round assembler wood technology

Allround montagemedewerker industrieel produceren met hout

All-round assembler industrial wood production

Allround monteur mobiele werktuigen

All-round mechanic mobile machinery

Allround natuursteenbewerker

All-round stonemason

Allround operationeel technicus

All-round operational technician

Allround parketteur

All-round parquet floor layer

Allround pijpenbewerker

All-round pipes worker

Allround plaatwerker

All-round sheet metal worker

Allround podium- en evenemententechnicus

All-round stage and event technician

Allround precisieverspaner

All-round precision machinist

Allround schoonheidsspecialist

All-round beautician

Allround signmaker

All-round sign maker

Allround sloper

All-round demolisher

Allround stand- en decorbouwer

All-round stand and décor builder

Allround technicus voertuigen en mobiele werktuigen

All-round technician vehicles and mobile machines

Allround tegelzetter

All-round tiler

Allround timmerman

All-round carpenter

Allround vakkracht onderhoud- en klussenbedrijf

All-round skilled worker maintenance and renovation company

Allround vakman gww

All-round skilled ground, waterway and road worker

Allround verspaner

All-round machinist

Allround waterbouwer

All-round water engineering officer

Allround woningstoffeerder

All-round furnishings upholsterer

Applicatie- en mediaontwikkelaar

Application and media developer

Assistant fashion tailor

Assistant fashion tailor

Assistent-manager internationale handel

Assistant manager international trade


Audiology technician

Aviation operations officer

Aviation operations officer

Aviation operations specialist

Aviation operations specialist


Audiovisual specialist




Asphalt worker


Basic goldsmith


Business administrator

Bedrijfsleider paardensport en -houderij

Manager equestrian sports and horse farm

Bedrijfsleider/ondernemer bloem, groen en styling

Manager floristry, green retail trade and styling

Begeleider gehandicaptenzorg

Care provider disability care

Begeleider maatschappelijke zorg

Social care provider

Begeleider specifieke doelgroepen

Care provider specific target groups

Beheerder milieustraat

Manager recycling centre


Conservation officer


Concrete driller


Movement and exercise trainer


Library officer

Biologisch medisch analist

Biological-medical analyst




Specialist baker

Business administration & control specialist

Business administration & control specialist


Community sports coach

Chemisch-fysisch analist

Physical chemistry analyst

Commercieel medewerker

Commercial employee

Commercieel technicus engineering

Commercial technician engineering

Constructie- en plaattechnoloog

Construction and sheet technologist

Constructie repair specialist

Construction repair specialist

Consulent commerciële arbeidsbemiddeling

Commercial job placement consultant

Contactcenter medewerker

Contact centre employee

Coördinator beveiliging

Security coordinator

Coördinator buurt, onderwijs en sport

Coordinator neighbourhood, education and sports

Coördinator havenlogistiek

Coordinator port logistics

Coördinator havenoperaties

Coordinator port operations

Coördinator internationale havenlogistiek

Coordinator international port logistics

Coördinator sport- en bewegingsagogie

Coordinator sports and applied exercise

Coördinator sport, bewegen en gezondheid

Coordinator sports, exercise and health

Coördinator sportinstructie, training en coaching

Coordinator sports instruction, training and coaching

Creatief vakman

Creative craftsman



Decoratie- en restauratieschilder

Decoration and restoration painter


Decoration plasterer


Doctor's assistant



E-commerce specialist

E-commerce specialist

Eerste autoschadehersteller

Skilled car damage repair mechanic

Eerste autoschadetechnicus

Skilled car damage mechanic

Eerste autospuiter

Skilled car spray painter

Eerste autotechnicus

Skilled car mechanic

Eerste bedrijfsautotechnicus

Skilled commercial vehicle mechanic

Eerste caravantechnicus

Skilled caravan mechanic

Eerste carrosseriebouwer

Skilled bodywork builder

Eerste fietstechnicus

Skilled bicycle mechanic

Eerste monteur dakbedekking

Skilled mechanic roofing

Eerste monteur datadistributie

Skilled mechanic data distribution

Eerste monteur elektrotechnische industriële installaties en systemen

Skilled mechanic electro technical industrial installations and systems

Eerste monteur elektrotechnische installaties in de gebouwde omgeving

Skilled mechanic electrotechnical installations in the built environment

Eerste monteur elektrotechnische installaties woning en utiliteit

Skilled mechanic electro technical installations houses and utility

Eerste monteur elektrotechnische systemen

Skilled mechanic electrotechnical systems

Eerste monteur gas-, water- en warmtedistributie

Skilled mechanic gas, water and heating distribution

Eerste monteur gas-, water- of warmtedistributie

Skilled mechanic gas, water or heating distribution

Eerste monteur gasstations

Skilled mechanic gas stations

Eerste monteur koude- en klimaatsystemen

Skilled mechanic refrigeration and climate control systems

Eerste monteur laagspanningsdistributie

Skilled mechanic low voltage distribution

Eerste monteur mechatronica

Skilled mechatronics mechanic

Eerste monteur middenspanningsdistributie

Skilled mechanic medium voltage distribution

Eerste monteur service en onderhoud elektrotechniek en instrumentatie

Skilled mechanic service and maintenance electrotechnology and instrumentation

Eerste monteur service en onderhoud gasturbines

Skilled mechanic service and maintenance gas turbines

Eerste monteur service en onderhoud werktuigbouw

Skilled mechanic service and maintenance mechanical engineering

Eerste monteur service en onderhoud werktuigkundige installaties

Skilled mechanic service and maintenance mechanical installations

Eerste monteur steigerbouw

Skilled mechanic scaffolding

Eerste monteur utiliteit

Skilled mechanic utility

Eerste monteur vliegtuigonderhoud

Skilled mechanic aircraft maintenance

Eerste monteur woning

Skilled mechanic houses

Eerste motorfietstechnicus

Skilled motorcycle mechanic

Eerste scootertechnicus

Skilled scooter mechanic

Eerste verbrandingsmotortechnicus

Skilled combustion engine mechanic

Eerste verkoper

Skilled salesman

Engineer maritieme techniek

Engineer maritime technology

Expert IT systems and devices

Expert IT systems and devices

Facilitair leidinggevende

Facility services manager

Fashion designer

Fashion designer

Fashion product coordinator 

Fashion product coordinator 

Fashion retailer

Fashion retailer

Fashion tailor

Fashion tailor

Financieel administratief medewerker

Financial administrative assistant




Computer games developer




Tools maker

Gespecialiseerd kok

Specialized cook

Gevorderd medewerker havenoperaties

Skilled worker port operations

Gezel dekvloerenlegger

Journeyman floor layer

Gezel glaszetter

Journeyman glazier

Gezel schilder

Journeyman painter

Gezel stukadoor

Journeyman plasterer


Glass craftsman



Haarstylist dame

Hair stylist ladies

Haarstylist heer

Hair stylist gentlemen

Handhaver toezicht en veiligheid

Enforcer surveillance and security

Handhaver toezicht en veiligheid Generieke opsporing (domein VI)

Enforcer surveillance and security (domain VI) tracing and investigation

Handhaver toezicht en veiligheid Milieu, welzijn en infrastructuur (domein II)

Enforcer surveillance and security (domain II) environment, welfare and infrastructure

Handhaver toezicht en veiligheid Openbaar vervoer (domein IV)

Enforcer surveillance and security (domain IV) public transport

Handhaver toezicht en veiligheid Openbare ruimte (domein I)

Enforcer surveillance and security (domain I) public space




ICT manager

Instructeur mbo

Instructor senior secondary vocational education

Instructeur paardensport en -houderij

Instructor equestrian sports and horse farm


Instrument maker


Employment agency intermediary


Interior advisor

Junior accountmanager

Junior account manager

Junior assistent-accountant

Junior assistant accountant

Junior manager groothandel

Junior manager wholesale business

Junior manager internationale handel

Junior manager international trade

Junior productmanager fashion

Junior product manager fashion

Junior stylist

Junior stylist

Juridisch-administratief dienstverlener

Legal administrative worker





Klantmedewerker bancaire diensten

Customer assistant banking services

Klantmedewerker inkomensverzekeringen

Customer assistant income protection insurances

Klantmedewerker schadeverzekeringen

Customer assistant indemnity insurances

Klantmedewerker vermogen

Customer assistant capital

Kleur- en interieuradviseur

Colour and interior advisor


Lifestyle coach


Last maker

Legal, insurance & HR services specialist

Legal, insurance & HR services specialist

Leidinggevende bakkerij

Manager bakery

Leidinggevende bediening

Service manager

Leidinggevende international hospitality

Manager international hospitality

Leidinggevende keuken

Kitchen manager

Leidinggevende leisure & hospitality

Manager leisure & hospitality

Leidinggevende team/afdeling/project

Manager team/department/project

Leidinggevende travel & hospitality

Manager travel & hospitality

Logistiek supervisor

Logistics supervisor

Logistiek teamleider

Logistics team leader


Aviation service provider


Air cargo specialist


Made-to-measure shoe maker

Machinist grondverzet

Machine operator earth moving

Machinist hijswerk

Crane operator

Machinist railvervoer

Engine driver rail transport

Machinist wegenbouw

Machine operator road building

Management assistant

Management assistant


Management assistant/executive secretary

Manager havenlogistiek

Manager port logistics

Manager mobiliteitsbranche

Manager mobility sector

Manager retail

Manager retail trade

Manager transport en logistiek

Manager transport and logistics

Manager/bedrijfsleider fastservice

Manager fast food service

Manager/ondernemer horeca

Manager/entrepreneur hotel and catering

Marketing & communication specialist

Marketing & communication specialist

Mechanisch operator B

Mechanical operator B

Medewerker beheer ICT

ICT management assistant

Medewerker evenementenorganisatie

Event organization officer

Medewerker human resource management (HRM)

Human resource management (HRM) officer

Medewerker Juwelier

Jewellers' employee

Medewerker marketing en communicatie

Marketing and communications officer

Medewerker steriele medische hulpmiddelen

Employee sterile medical appliances

Medewerker uurwerktechniek

Clockwork mechanic


Media manager


Media editorial worker


Media designer

Medisch pedicure

Medical pedicurist

Meewerkend horeca ondernemer

Hotel and catering manager

Meewerkend voorman watersportindustrie

Assistant manager water sports industry

Middenkaderfunctionaris bouw

Supervisor construction

Middenkaderfunctionaris grond-, weg- en waterbouw

Supervisor ground, road and waterway construction

Middenkaderfunctionaris infra

Supervisor infrastructure

Middenkaderfunctionaris landmeetkunde

Supervisor land survey

Middenkaderfunctionaris restauratie

Supervisor restoration

Middenkaderfunctionaris verkeer en stedenbouw

Supervisor traffic and urban development


Environment inspector


Environment researcher


Musical artist





Netwerk- en mediabeheerder

Network and media manager

Office & management support specialist

Office & management support specialist

Office assistant

Office assistant

Ondernemend meubelmaker/(scheeps)interieurbouwer

Furniture maker/(ships') interior builder-entrepreneur

Ondernemer bakkerij

Entrepreneur bakery

Ondernemer handel

Entrepreneur trade

Ondernemer retail

Entrepreneur retail trade

Ondernemer vers

Entrepreneur fresh produce


Teaching assistant

Onderzoeker leefomgeving

Environment researcher

Ontwerpend leer- en textielverwerker

Leather and textiles worker and designer

Ontwerpend meubelmaker

Furniture maker/designer

Operationeel technicus

Operational technician

Operator C

Operator C

Opmeter technische isolatie

Draughtsman measuring technical insulation



Opzichter/uitvoerder groene ruimte

Supervisor green open spaces

Orthopedisch schoentechnicus

Orthopaedic footwear technician

Orthopedisch schoentechnisch medewerker

Orthopaedic footwear worker

Orthopedisch schoentechnisch specialist

Orthopaedic footwear specialist

Orthopedisch technicus

Orthopaedic technician

Orthopedisch technisch medewerker

Orthopaedic technical worker

Orthopedisch technisch specialist

Orthopaedic technical specialist


Pastry cook



Persoonlijk begeleider gehandicaptenzorg

Personal care provider disability care

Persoonlijk begeleider maatschappelijke zorg

Personal social care provider

Persoonlijk begeleider specifieke doelgroepen

Personal care provider specific target groups


Piano technician

Planner wegtransport

Road transport planner

Podium- en evenemententechnicus

Stage and event technician

Podium- en evenemententechnicus geluid

Stage and event technician - sound

Podium- en evenemententechnicus licht

Stage and event technician - lighting

Podium- en evenemententechnicus podium & rigging

Stage and event technician - stage and rigging


Workplace trainer


Print media technician

Procesoperator B

Operator B

Productieleider versindustrie

Production manager fresh produce industry


Production technician

Projectmanager vastgoedonderhoud

Project manager property maintenance


Research instrument maker


Restoration plasterer


Retail manager


Retail specialist

Ruimtelijk vormgever

Spatial designer


Salon manager

Salonmanager dame

Salon manger ladies

Salonmanager heer

Salon manager gentlemen

Scheeps- en jachtbouwkundige

Ship and yacht builder



Scheepswerktuigkundige alle schepen

Engineer all ships

Scheepswerktuigkundige kleine schepen

Engineer small ships

Scheepswerktuigkundige waterbouw

Engineer water engineering

Schoenhersteller 3

Shoe repairman 3





Serviceadviseur mobiliteitsbranche

Service advisor mobility sector

Servicemonteur koude- en klimaatsystemen

Service mechanic refrigeration and climate control systems


Sign specialist



Sociaal werker

Social worker

Sociaal-cultureel werker

Socio-cultural worker

Sociaal-maatschappelijk dienstverlener

Social worker

Software developer

Software developer

Specialist internationale havenlogistiek

Specialist international port logistics

Specialist mode/maatkleding

Specialist fashion/custom made clothes

Specialist restauratie metselwerk

Specialist restoration bricklaying

Specialist restauratie timmerwerk

Specialist restoration carpentry

Specialist transport en logistiek

Transport and logistiscs specialist

Specialist vloeronderhoud

Floor maintenance specialist

Specialist vruchtbaarheid en voortplanting

Fertility and procreation specialist

Sport- en bewegingsleider

Sports and exercise leader


Road worker

Systeemontwerper koude- en klimaatsystemen

System designer refrigeration and climate control systems


Dental nurse

Tandtechnicus kroon- en brugwerk

Dental technician crowns and bridges

Tandtechnicus prothese

Dental technician prosthetics

Tandtechnisch medewerker basistechnieken

Dental mechanic basic techniques

Teamleider AMBOR

Team leader waste, environment, management & maintenance public space

Technicus avionica

Avionics technician

Technicus data

Technician data

Technicus elektrotechniek

Technician electrotechnology

Technicus elektrotechnische industriële installaties en systemen

Technician electro technical industrial installations and systems

Technicus elektrotechnische industriële systemen en installaties

Technician electrotechnical industrial installations and systems

Technicus elektrotechnische installaties in de gebouwde omgeving

Technician electrotechnical installations in the built environment

Technicus elektrotechnische installaties woning en utiliteit

Technician electro technical installations houses and utility

Technicus elektrotechnische systemen

Technician electrotechnical systems

Technicus engineering

Technician engineering

Technicus gas

Technician gas

Technicus hout en restauratie

Technician wood and restoration

Technicus human technology

Human technology technician

Technicus industriële koude- en klimaatsystemen

Technician refrigeration and climate control systems

Technicus maintenance koude- en klimaatsystemen

Technician maintenance refrigeration and climate control systems

Technicus mechanica

Mechanical technician

Technicus mechatronica

Mechatronics technician

Technicus mechatronica systemen

Technician mechatronic systems

Technicus mobiele werktuigen

Technician mobile machinery

Technicus service en onderhoud elektrotechniek en instrumentatie

Technician service and maintenance electrotechnology and instrumentation

Technicus service en onderhoud werktuigbouw

Technician service and maintenance mechanical engineering

Technicus service en onderhoud werktuigkundige installaties

Technician service and maintenance mechanical installations

Technicus water

Technician water

Technisch leidinggevende

Technical manager

Technisch oogheelkundig assistent

Technical ophthalmic assistant

Technisch specialist autoschadeherstel

Technical specialist car damage repair

Technisch specialist bedrijfsauto's

Technical specialist commercial vehicles

Technisch specialist personenauto's

Technical specialist passenger cars

Technisch specialist verbrandingsmotoren

Technical specialist combustion engines

Technisch specialist voertuigen en mobiele werktuigen

Technical specialist vehicles and mobile machines

Tekenaar constructeur

Draughtsman designer

Tekenaar ontwerper elektrotechniek

Draughtsman designer electrotechnology

Tekenaar ontwerper werktuigkundige installaties

Draughtsman designer mechanical installations

Tekenaar werktuigbouw

Draughtsman mechanical engineering

Tekenaar werktuigkundige installaties

Draughtsman mechanical installations


Home care provider


Coach driver/travel guide



Traiteur vers

Traiteur fresh produce


Building site supervisor

Uitvoerder bouw/infra

Building site supervisor construction/infrastructure

Uitvoerder gespecialiseerde aannemerij

Building site supervisor specialized contracting

Uitvoerder hijswerk

Building site supervisor crane operating


Clockwork technician

Vakbekwaam hovenier

Skilled gardener

Vakbekwaam medewerker agrarisch loonwerk

Skilled agricultural contracting firm worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker agrohandel en logistiek

Skilled agricultural trade and logistics worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker bloem, groen en styling

Skilled floristry, green retail trade and styling worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker dierverzorging

Skilled animal care worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker groen en cultuurtechniek

Skilled green and land development worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker natuur, water en recreatie

Skilled nature, water and recreation worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker paardensport en -houderij

Skilled worker equestrian sports and horse farm

Vakbekwaam medewerker teelt

Skilled cultivation worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker veehouderij

Skilled livestock farm worker

Vakbekwaam medewerker vers

Skilled worker fresh produce

Vakbekwaam medewerker voeding en technologie

Skilled food and technology worker

Vakexpert agrarisch loonwerk

Agricultural contracting firm expert

Vakexpert agrohandel en logistiek

Agricultural trade and logistics expert

Vakexpert biologisch-dynamische landbouw

Biodynamic agriculture expert

Vakexpert bloem, groen en styling

Floristry, green retail trade and styling expert

Vakexpert geo, data en design

Geo, data and design expert

Vakexpert teelt en groene technologie

Cultivation and green technology expert

Vakexpert veehouderij

Livestock farm expert

Vakexpert voeding en kwaliteit

Food and quality expert

Vakexpert voeding en technologie

Food and technology expert

Vakexpert voeding en voorlichting

Food and advice expert

Vakkracht industrieel lakverwerker

Skilled industrial paint processor

Vakman restauratie voegwerk

Restoration jointing worker


Skilled worker-entrepreneur


Property advisor


Sales advisor

Verkoopadviseur mobiliteitsbranche

Sales advisor mobility sector

Verkoopmanager mobiliteitsbranche

Sales manager mobility sector


Sales specialist

Verkoopspecialist groene detailhandel

Sales specialist green retail trade


Machine operating technologist

Vestigingsmanager groothandel

Branch manager wholesale business

Voeding- en leefstijladviseur

Nutrition and lifestyle consultant

Voorman BOR

Foreman management & maintenance public space


Moulds maker

Werkbegeleider zorgbedrijf-dierhouderij

Work supervisor social care company - animal farm

Werktuigkundige alle vissersschepen W4

Engineer all fishing vessels restricted operation area

Werkvoorbereider fabricage

Production planner

Werkvoorbereider gespecialiseerde aannemerij

Planner specialized contracting

Werkvoorbereider houttechniek

Planner wood technology

Werkvoorbereider industrieel produceren met hout

Planner industrial wood production

Werkvoorbereider installaties

Planner installations

Werkvoorbereider meubelindustrie/(scheeps)interieurbouw

Planner furniture industry/(ships') interior building


Sausage maker

Zadel- en tuigenmaker

Saddle and harness maker

Zelfstandig medewerker dierverzorging

Skilled worker animal care

Zelfstandig medewerker leisure & hospitality

Skilled worker leisure & hospitality

Zelfstandig medewerker travel & hospitality

Skilled worker travel & hospitality

Zelfstandig werkend bakker

Skilled baker

Zelfstandig werkend gastheer/-vrouw

Skilled host/hostess

Zelfstandig werkend kok

Skilled cook

