Under the Dutch Act on Adult and Vocational Education, VET students must follow the practical component of their training at an accredited work placement company. This is called work placement.

As an accredited work placement company, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You offer students a good and safe workplace,
  • The students practise with activities relating to the profession they are being trained for.
  • You appoint a workplace trainer who knows the requirements of the training course and to whom you allocate time and resources to coach students in the workplace.
  • You are willing to cooperate with the school and SBB, and you provide the necessary information for that purpose.
  • You agree to your company details being published at Stagemarkt.nl and Leerbanenmarkt.nl, the websites where students look for a practice placement or apprenticeship.

Regulations and sectoral supplements

The exact conditions for accreditation as an SBB work placement company can be found in the regulations and the sectoral supplements.

End of accreditation

The work placement advisor may decide to withdraw your accreditation at any time. This happens if your company no longer meets the conditions or in the event of other compelling circumstances that harm the student’s interests. The work placement advisor will inform you in writing, stating the reasons.